What we do

Community Leads The Way

We as Beacon Hill Council are focused on building and maintaining a welcoming, diverse and healthy Beacon Hill community neighborhood.

We determine our priorities and positions based on community member issues and concerns, changes in the neighborhood, and changes in laws, policies and programs that affect Beacon Hill as a vulnerable population.

  • Our board supports Black Lives Matter and Anti-Asian/Pacific Islander Hate issues.

    Safety and Security: Chair Mark Solomon

  • We address anti-displacement, equitable development, and unsheltered issues.

    We honor our history.

    100 Significant People, Places, and Events on Beacon Hill Project: Amy Kaminishi and Maria Batayola with past board members Mira Latoszek and Michelle Ishimitsu.

  • What We Do

    We promote a welcoming Beacon Hill

    Our board supports Black Lives Matter and Anti-Asian/Pacific Islander Hate issues.

    Safety and Security: Chair Mark Solomon 

    We seek to promote and retain diversity

    We address anti-displacement, equitable development, and unsheltered issues.

    We honor our history.

    100 Significant People, Places, and Events on Beacon Hill Project: Amy Kaminishi and Maria Batayola with past board members Mira Latoszek and Michelle Ishimitsu.

    We promote a healthy neighborhood

    Environmental Justice Task Force - Co-Chairs Lynda Wong and Maria Batayola with, Megan Slade (Climate Action Families), Deirdre Curle (Beacon Hill Noise Team), Maritza Laureano Ortega (El Centro De La Raza), and Elma Borbe.


    Our Partners: Earthjustice, King County International Airport Community Coalition, Quiet Skies Puget Sound, Quiet Skies SE Seattle with 350 Seattle Aviation500+ Women Scientists, and Climate Reality WA State Coalition.

    Seattle Dept of Transportation

    Bike Trail Input Work Group

    • North Bike Trail -  Kahlia Carter, Mira Latoszek, Amy Kaminishi, Michelle Ishimitsu, Monique Cherrier, and Robert Getch.

    • Mid and South Bike Trail - Cliff Holland, Erik Stanford, Gerry Chambers, Maria Batayola, Michelle Ishimitsu, Mira Latoszek, Monique Cherrier and Robert Getch.

    Tree Canopy Expansion and

    Exceptional Trees Preservation

    • Plant Amnesty Exceptional Trees Inventory.

    • Need volunteer tree surveyors!

    • Tree ordinance advocacy in partnership with TreePac

    • Handled by full Board

    COVID-19 outreach and resources  are provided on our social media.

We Engage With Community

Community Meetings

Each month we have a community meeting for neighbors to bring up concerns or interests. We listen to and discuss different perspectives on issues.  Then we hold our Board meeting so we are can keep the community’s voice in mind when we make decisions. See archived meeting agendas and meeting notes.


We want to make sure that we are not just talking to ourselves.  In 2016, we conducted a survey in 6 languages to learn more about the priorities of Beacon Hill residents. We mailed the surveys to every household in Beacon Hill and also launched an online version.  We received a 9% return (1,117 responses) from our survey. It was not convenient to return – people had to provide their own envelope, address it and put their own stamp on it. 


 In short, we learned:

47% households spend >30% of their income on housing

24% rent their homes and 74% own their homes

31% have house holds with 4 members or more

33% lived in Beacon Hill for 5 years or less

Many households speak more than one language

Community opinion on the expansion of the North Beacon Hill Village:

55% supported the expansion, although 70% were not familiar with the idea of an urban village

51% supported the proposed zoning changes to single family areas to put the Mandatory Affordable Housing (MHA) program in place

70% supported development of affordable housing near the light rail station

90% supported adding more small businesses


Community priorities for Beacon Hill:

68%  supported multicultural gatherings and cultural programming.

84% supported a safety plan for all road users – pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, others

83% supported greater security and safety 

80% supported easy access to social and human services for residents

69% are concerned about health Impacts of noise and aircraft emissions